martedì 21 novembre 2023
Putin's People - Catherine Belton
giovedì 15 settembre 2022
In giro per Festival - Altraeconomia
Libro guida ai Festival culturali in Italia nel 2022. Scheda in pagina per i principali Festival più breve descrizione dei luoghi dove mangiare e dormire. Sezioni divise per regioni con inserti tematici generali a brevi spunti. Simile al sito
domenica 8 maggio 2022
Il turco alla Porta - Limes
Limes il mensile uscito a luglio 2020 è dedicato alla Turchia. Ricco di analisi e approfondimenti, ripercorre la traiettoria geopolitica della nazione un tempo laica ed ora in via di ridefinizione. Le ambizioni imperiali del passato e del presente sono ricche di contraddizioni ed altrettanto imprevedibili; le ricadute sono ampie ben oltre i propri confini e suscitano preoccupazione per noi europei, naturalmente le possibilità di trovare temi di collaborazione con le leve del commercio si sovrappongono alle difficoltà del dialogo e della diplomazia di due sistemi che appaiono diversi. L'Italia in primis mostra la corda con una limitata capacità militare nel difendere i propri interessi. La leva militaresca della Turchia e le vicende della Nato si intrecciano ed i destini di entrambi appaiono complicati. Il patriottismo turco è tentacolare anche all'estero. Chiude il numero un'intervista all'ex Presidente del servizio Segreto Interno tedesco che sottolinea le crepe nella democrazia tedesca e le difficoltà nell'affrontare l'integrazione e l'infiltrazione dei turchi e dell'Islam nella società tedesca con rischi per la sicurezza sempre più presenti.
domenica 13 marzo 2022
Fermare Pechino - Federico Rampini - Stop Beijing
Federico Rampini is an Italian-American journalist one of whom has lived each side of the "barricades". This book is only in Italian. His idea in the title is that our Western civilization has to cope with the advancement of Chinese millennial civilizations from their direct descendant, the Han people that represent the vast majority of a nation with 1,5 billion people. Interesting to note is, in modern China the new generations and the fast consumerism adopted by them, their passions for fantasy literature, an attempt to express the vision a the contradictions in place in one authoritarian country. The subsequent chapters try to recapitulate the last problems like the Taiwan question and the Covid-19 seen from a dual perspective of West-East views and threading the multiple contrasts inside in these two models of political systems. If in the USA the rhetoric tends to foster private enterprises in any circumstances in so creating inequalities, in China the role of the public hand of State is every-present notwithstanding the emergence of e-commerce and a very high technology industries like in America but with the rule of the regulator from the State that pervades any sector and tries to counterbalance any commercial invasion by the West and any kind of power concentration outside the Party. This story ends with a description of the new centered economic renaissance by each side of public investments and with the crisis of American democracy, but with a message of hope, the West can defend its values if it catches with China's views.
martedì 25 gennaio 2022
Il Colle d'Italia - Corriere della Sera
Edito dal Corriere della Sera, questo piccolo libricino ripercorre la storia della Presidenza della Repubblica facendoci divertire con piccoli aneddoti e le storie personali dei vari presidenti. Attualità e storia si intrecciano per delineare il peso unico nella nostra Costituzione Repubblicana ad alto valore aggiunto e con ampie e singolari competenze e prerogative del Presidente, da Capo delle forze armate alla facoltà di sciogliere le camere, all'elezione ogni 7 anni. Accenni infine alla storia dell'edificio Quirinale e ad alcuni articoli cogenti della Costituzione.
giovedì 6 gennaio 2022
The Cost of Free Money - Paola Subacchi
The Cost of Free Money by Paola Subacchi is a recap of the last century in the economic world. Turning points of history here are described as a backward and forward way to cooperation e multilateralization for the stability of the economies and the opening of the markets. The complexities of the evolutions in human constructions are wildly documented here and the problems are numerous to build a new pacific order. The inequalities are deepening between states and into them and are becoming a threat to the peace. The resolution and strength that the author put on the value of cooperation are countered by the retrenchment of the Nations inward and toward new authoritarian models of governance. Not much was told about the financialization of the economy as implicit in the title of the book.
lunedì 20 dicembre 2021
Antifragile - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Antifragile the book of Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a disappointing book that seems a little bit confused from the start, although the reading is easy isn't very appropriate to define a constructive theory. In fact, the deconstruction of the other theories was the main objective of the author, and in particular, the subtraction of matter can be quite true in the abstract to create convexity, but anyone in his own life likes to have expectations in practice by addition & by addiction. In 500 pages the redundancy of concepts appear to be disarming.
martedì 1 giugno 2021
An epidemic of absence - Moises Velasquez-Manoff
On-field experiment attempt book about the cure of modern maladies and allergies. The author browses through various health problems and witnesses that don't confirm the science nor this pseudo-science but could reaffirm the difficulties and growing health diseases and intolerances in the contemporary world. Food intolerance also links the strict correlation between a sedentary lifestyle, closed rooms or sterile environments, lack of parasites, and health shocks. The insertion of parasites in human skin augmented apparently the tolerance in various cases here witnessed and also the improvement of health status but not in definitive way. The book become a cue in search of solutions to allergies and Autoimmune diseases.
domenica 29 marzo 2020
Il manifesto di Ventotene - Altiero Spinelli - Ernesto Rossi
domenica 8 marzo 2020
Resource Constraints and Global Growth: Evidence from the Financial Sector - Efundem Agboraw - Aled Jones
domenica 2 febbraio 2020
The case for carbon dividends - James K. Boyce
giovedì 16 gennaio 2020
Fear: Trump in the White House - Bob Woodward
Bob Woodward explores the first 2 years of Trump presidency and its insightful facts in a well-documented book published by Simon & Schuster. Investigative text, many firsthand sources collaborated and it tried to depict the instinctual policy of Trump; "Professional liar" seems to be the most recurrent definition and so irrationality furious and the instability of character, has emerged in every one of the 42 chapters. The dependence from Tweets and TV shows is correlated to the decision making of this presidency and most of all the selection of staff in the White House and in the departments and dismissal of people. The results are a big corporate tax cut that boosts the economy with debt at the expense of future generations, the protectionist politics that creating a more divisive society and much more disparities in the country, less freedom, but the book remains a day to day narrative of facts.