martedì 12 febbraio 2019

Antitrust Law in the New Economy - Mark R. Patterson

A new conceptual book on the Antitrust Law in the New Economy.
The aspects treated here are various: competition, the economics of information, market power, agreements, exclusion by information, information asymmetries, intellectual property, restraint of trade and freedom speech. History cases are presented in a view that sees a long delay in Antitrust enforcement to the digital economy. A complex test full of references is still the more modern treaty in a field that seems in possession of few firms like Google, Amazon & others, but also for finance in the determination of benchmarks as Libor. The author suggests an extension of antitrust law to the new media and particularly to the new oligopoly in search of the original form of free competition. The exclusionary lines in presumptions in giving voice to the protection of intellectual property, to the first amendment, now are facing  this new era and the hope is for allowing the just composition of interests in one more incisive enforcement of antitrust law to get a new competitive market for the new economy guaranteeing  for every citizen rights. 

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