mercoledì 30 dicembre 2015

amsterdam - A History of the World's Most Liberal City - Russell Shorto

Great book for smartest people. I think that is almost easy to partaking between extremism and democracy, but for the very meaning of liberalism you need to read this one. A history intertwined of cooperativism and individualism.

The narration of the history of Amsterdam start when the battle with sea for gaining earth was ongoing. As described here there was nothing in common of that society represented today in later chapters. The best effort of the author is to be simple and to bring us at the center of the questions: the will of freedom.
The first battle was won as many other later, and the rebellion to religions play a key role for independence from Spain in the battle successive.

The art give another message of hope, of opening and of engagement with artists as Rembrandt, Van Heyden & Van Gogh, anyone that has passed from Amsterdam and taken the inspiration from freedom of ideas and spirits & then revolutionizing the field of painting.

Philosophy laid the foundation of liberalism as known today, think only of Spinoza and Locke two that  have enjoyed freedom of writing far from their troubled countries.

In politics I pointed out that the independence of the Netherlands start from the harbor of Amsterdam, in commerce based from the VOC trade company and the colonization of New Amsterdam (New York) or in England with the capitulation of King James II by hand of William II born dutch as Willem III that change the destiny of Europe or on origins of stock exchange market.

Multatuli was a writer worth of change in perception of exploitation in colonization, and then again the 19 century change in a word Golden Age Amsterdam, as 20 century the revendication for better conditions of life through enhancement of pay, work condition and parity gender leave us full of stories worth to tell you.

The Second World War was a very disastrous for Amsterdam and form the start of sexual revolution and the way for enlargement of our rights as the free cannabis, brothels, and squatter movement. So finally the difficulties of integrating 178 nationalities in one city is a great weigh, but Russell Shorto gave a vision of experimental hope for the future (not to mention what the city have to offer in the fields of music/art festivals that make a new generation of people, jobs and mobility through the world).

Fruitful and readable is apt for any ages.

mercoledì 23 dicembre 2015

Sotto controllo. La Salute ai tempi dell'e-health - Cristina Da Rold

Sotto controllo. La Salute ai tempi dell'e-health è un nuovo approccio ai cambiamenti della medicina nell'era di internet. Tematica in continua evoluzione, normativa e tecnologica in Italia è anche molto frammentata la trattazione. Enfasi viene posta sul concetto di empowerment/responsabilizzazione del malato, il quale diviene sempre più consapevole delle opportunità/difficoltà che lo circondano. Naturalmente il tema è anche molto complesso, l'autrice però con molti riferimenti bibliografici e fantasia negli esempi pratici ci conduce a delle fonti valide e confutabili. Il Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico è l'aspetto che andrà a comprendere a livello amministrativo i numerosi rapporti fra il cittadino e la sanità pubblica. Le App mediche per gli smartphone sono raccontati come occasione per tenere sotto controllo la propria salute e/o quella degli altri anche a distanza. Problematiche ve ne sono, ad iniziare dalla conservazione dei dati personali/privacy nei sistemi cloud (cioè in internet) presso terzi. Il medico e i passi che esso compie nell'e-health è una trattazione che ricorda come la mediazione umana sia fondamentale nella valutazione dei sintomi/malattie.

Consigliato per non dare per scontato nulla.

martedì 22 dicembre 2015

Get paid for your pad - Jasper Ribbers - Huzefa Kapadia

The first Airbnb manual, it is an awesome journey in one of the latest opportunities of sharing economy. The 140 pages are descriptives, but also focused on how to take care of your future guest and gain from short rentals. Is a worth method to host people from around the world? And with which warranties? Overall the answer is yes, why this online platform is the most visible, reaching almost 34000 cities in 2015. Various structures are at disposal for the guest, the commissions paid by the host is 3% for every transaction and 6% for the guest. It's a option of hospitality and social recognition that provide many types of feedbacks for either the parts.

Many basics advices are briefly stated as: improve your ranking on through a detailed description, reviews and photos (professional service available from the platform). Managing the hospitality with aid of technology (digital locks are in promotion), so if the cleaning service is very important, is also important to highlight the various appliances and price stated.

Very ambitious is the part that treat the price settings, the positioning, the availability and refund policy, and finally how to manage the reviews and prompting positive in a way that could permit to gain an additional salary as claimed by many persons interviewed.

venerdì 11 dicembre 2015

Horizon 2020 - Investing in European success - European Commission

Booklet issued by European Commission as well as many others for free on the website and even very intersting, it report the past experiences funded by EU in the field of research in various sectors. 2 pages by one project dedicated and you will be informed of the best practices in Europe. We detect three chapters, as "excellence science", "industrial leadership" and sociatal challenges in the third sector.

New ways of making, the 3D processing take large advantage, but also they need to check-in to a future of market applications. 

42 pages, ISBN 9789279483448

venerdì 4 dicembre 2015

Quando siete felici, fateci caso - Kurt Vonnegut

Raccolta esilarante di 9 discorsi nelle università americane del narratore Kurt Vonnegut. Il fatto è semplice, egli nell'affrontare la vita a parole lo fa qui con leggerezza e senso dell'umorismo, smontando i miti americani della libertà e del denaro.
Nelle difficoltà del vivere quotidiano fra la continua competizione, qualche consiglio c'è lo da, come quella di rendersi conto quando si è felici dalle cose semplici e molte altre nel corso del libro di facile accezione. Bello pure che si confronti con i giovani laureati sullo stesso piano, quello della speranza che non debba mai mancare e lo fa nell'aiutare a sostenere concetti come "comunità" e "famiglia allargata". Breve, ma lodevole. 

martedì 1 dicembre 2015

The Economics of Tourism Destinations - Guido Candela - Paolo Figini

This is a great book about tourism. As intended to be a complete treaty with mathematical basis and profounds aspects of analysis chapter by chapter starting from the definition of tourism and its actual measurement.

The destination is a "format" that draw attention to the entire product of leisure, by the goods of enviroment, infrastructure, humans and cultural resources. An in depth description is used to underline the key aspects as demand, price, marketing, the choices of tourist. The charateristcs are defined also in term of conflictuality from both availability of resources intended as overlapping & constrains of the markets. The result, a vast complexity of tourism product, not detached from the others factors of economy, but in generally a market structure that in digital age came under new fires. For example the tour operators and the travel agency are in competions between them, and now seems feasible by one big player through acquisitions to become the next dominant industry, with small leverages, but with a enormous use of big data relative to profilation of the specifics attitudes of clients and consequentially the provision of services and products in is wide supply chain through economy.

The tourism market chapter put in evidence the assesment of the quality in various forms as reputation, but also in internet research terms and comparison of choices versus disposable money at spending. Another aspect is the contractual forms in tourism market, complete, incomplete, uncertainty and insurance. Many difficult equations are presented by the authors in deal with the theories explained. A only read could not be sufficient.

The following chapters treats of the macro economics flow of tourism, the impact on large gross domestic product that comprehend effects as crowding out effect stemming from mass tourism or complex concepts as carrying capacity of a destination. International tourism a source of well being, but on the contrary of eradication and gentrification (as in mountain towns) of culture.
Is the currency market determine the flows of turists as the public management of goods or taxes, instead the final chapter is on the way of eco-sustainable tourism would be objectionable, but could design the future equilibrium of a market that must recognize the local importance of social impacts on humans being and their possibilities of make business.

A very challenging book.
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