martedì 1 dicembre 2015

The Economics of Tourism Destinations - Guido Candela - Paolo Figini

This is a great book about tourism. As intended to be a complete treaty with mathematical basis and profounds aspects of analysis chapter by chapter starting from the definition of tourism and its actual measurement.

The destination is a "format" that draw attention to the entire product of leisure, by the goods of enviroment, infrastructure, humans and cultural resources. An in depth description is used to underline the key aspects as demand, price, marketing, the choices of tourist. The charateristcs are defined also in term of conflictuality from both availability of resources intended as overlapping & constrains of the markets. The result, a vast complexity of tourism product, not detached from the others factors of economy, but in generally a market structure that in digital age came under new fires. For example the tour operators and the travel agency are in competions between them, and now seems feasible by one big player through acquisitions to become the next dominant industry, with small leverages, but with a enormous use of big data relative to profilation of the specifics attitudes of clients and consequentially the provision of services and products in is wide supply chain through economy.

The tourism market chapter put in evidence the assesment of the quality in various forms as reputation, but also in internet research terms and comparison of choices versus disposable money at spending. Another aspect is the contractual forms in tourism market, complete, incomplete, uncertainty and insurance. Many difficult equations are presented by the authors in deal with the theories explained. A only read could not be sufficient.

The following chapters treats of the macro economics flow of tourism, the impact on large gross domestic product that comprehend effects as crowding out effect stemming from mass tourism or complex concepts as carrying capacity of a destination. International tourism a source of well being, but on the contrary of eradication and gentrification (as in mountain towns) of culture.
Is the currency market determine the flows of turists as the public management of goods or taxes, instead the final chapter is on the way of eco-sustainable tourism would be objectionable, but could design the future equilibrium of a market that must recognize the local importance of social impacts on humans being and their possibilities of make business.

A very challenging book.

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