mercoledì 7 agosto 2019

China's Monetary Challenges - Richard C. K. Burdekin

Book of 2008 past experiences and future prospects. Well documented, technical and complete book it recaps the history of Renminbi/Yuan and the transmission chain from early 1900 onward. A deep analysis of the ties between China, Hong Kong & Taiwan. The Communist Party closure of the nation and the inflation, the role of the Dollar. The exchange rate and its fluctuations and what now (2019) it means in the new commercial war as consequence, I think a logical conclusion of the imbalances between the 2 nations, obviously only a momentary lapse of time. The power of state-owned banks and more generally its enterprises compared to the incompleteness of market liberalizations following WTO access of China disrupted the panorama of global trade. The Greater-China currency or regional hegemony of Yuan suggested at the end of this book seems not really an option in the political contest nowadays, primarily because of the obscure situation of the free market in China.

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