Libro scientifico sulla genomica nutrizionale ed il moderno nutrizionismo, alimentazione, benessere ed un'indagine sulla piramide alimentare e sui corretti stili di vita. Le malattie moderne è riconosciuto derivino dalla sedentarietà e dalla scorretta alimentazione, obesità, diabete, malattie cardiache possono essere affrontate da una corretta conoscenza dei fabbisogni del nostro corpo e nell'assunzione di cibo e nella consumo di energia tramite attività fisica. Dolci, grassi e latticini danneggiano non poco il metabolismo umano che invece viene mantenuto con l'assunzione di acqua, verdura, frutta, legumi e cereali alla base della piramide alimentare. Importante è il camminare quotidianamente. Alcune ricette corredano il libro steso da un genetista ed uno chef. Acquistato alla presentazione presso il Food & Book Festival di Montecatini Terme.
venerdì 20 dicembre 2019
mercoledì 4 dicembre 2019
Oceani. Il futuro scritto nell'acqua - Sandro Carniel
Le avventure dell'oceanografo Sandro Carniel ricercatore del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Spiegazione itinerante, si dispiega dapprima nelle Hawaii poi nel mare Adriatico. L'importanza delle connessioni acqua - cambiamento climatico - terra e vita ci conducono in un racconto semplice ma chiaro alla scoperta della biodiversità marina, le correnti, la scomparsa della barriera corallina ed alcuni cenni storiografici si sommano alla presenza umana è narrata come dirompente nella mutazione e riduzione degli habitat, ma anche nella ricerca scientifica e nel tentativo di mitigazione tramite l'istituzione di zone protette e in un accorato appello all'azione su scala mondiale. La narrazione della vita quotidiana del ricercatore aggiunge realtà alla divulgazione. Libretto preso a prestito dalla biblioteca di Auronzo.
martedì 12 novembre 2019
Escape from the Central Bank Trap - Daniel Lacalle
Daniel Lacalle vigorous book subtitled "How to Escape From the $20 Trillion Monetary Expansion Unharmed" tries to explain the fallacies of the monetary policies summed to the imbalances and ineptitude in the macroeconomy action from Governments. Effectively the Dollar centric system is here to last, the export model without internal strong consumption tends to create a weakness; actually, inflation is tightly tied to low-interest rates and the perpetuating of QE bubble that determine large investment on short term assets ready to escape at the first-rate increase and thus creating an enormous crisis. The author's advice is to inject fresh resources into the real economy by cutting the taxes to the middle class and stabilize the interest rate at a more manageable high point instead of maintaining to zero very long creating money from nothing.
venerdì 18 ottobre 2019
Stop Orders - Tony Loton
Stop Orders by Tony Loton is a fundamental book about the use of a tool named Stop Order in the technical analysis. Stop order to buy, to sell, trailing stops, position-sizing, market timing, short trades, long trades, ATR and so on. What is most important is finally the use of a strategy in scalping that gives some losses and many more gains, so the use of the stop orders in the eyes of Tony Loton aid to cut the whipsaw losses and help to run the profits. It's part of money management discourse and in a combination with pivot points also. The only one book that treating this specific argument.
sabato 28 settembre 2019
La grande cecità - Amitav Ghosh
Il punto di vista indiano sul cambiamento climatico è indispensabile. L'Asia è il continente che assieme all'Africa soffre maggiormente di questo problema.
Scritto da un romanziere, questo testo affronta il perché nella narrativa odierna ci sia ancora reticenza nel dibattere su di un problema sociale, economico e soprattutto scientifico. Naturalmente lo fa con le percezioni della scrittura, storia e filosofia millenarie e di quel paese e dell'Occidente; dal 2015 ad oggi il movimento d'opinione al contrario dello scetticismo qui espresso vede una grossa presa di consapevolezza grazie ai "Fridays for future" impersonificati da Greta Thunberg anche se a livello politico nonostante le conclusioni di COP15 e dell'enciclica del Papa assistiamo ad un moltiplicarsi delle stratificazioni e dei problemi. La narrativa inizia a pubblicare libri e argomentazioni interessanti, nonostante ciò l'evidenza delle sempre più numerose catastrofi naturali sostiene la tesi dell'autore secondo cui assistiamo ad una cecità dalle conseguenze imprevedibili; l'appello che egli fa affinché le religioni di grossa tradizione sensibilizzino l'opinione pubblica pare si stia realizzando anche in base ai sondaggi che vedono negli USA un cambiamento negli ultimi anni verso una maggioranza silenziosa più incline ad accettare il Climate Change come un dato di fatto. Il grande problema rimane la carente divulgazione scientifica e la politica.
mercoledì 7 agosto 2019
China's Monetary Challenges - Richard C. K. Burdekin
Book of 2008 past experiences and future prospects. Well documented, technical and complete book it recaps the history of Renminbi/Yuan and the transmission chain from early 1900 onward. A deep analysis of the ties between China, Hong Kong & Taiwan. The Communist Party closure of the nation and the inflation, the role of the Dollar. The exchange rate and its fluctuations and what now (2019) it means in the new commercial war as consequence, I think a logical conclusion of the imbalances between the 2 nations, obviously only a momentary lapse of time. The power of state-owned banks and more generally its enterprises compared to the incompleteness of market liberalizations following WTO access of China disrupted the panorama of global trade. The Greater-China currency or regional hegemony of Yuan suggested at the end of this book seems not really an option in the political contest nowadays, primarily because of the obscure situation of the free market in China.
venerdì 19 luglio 2019
Mal di scuola - Marco Imarisio
Saggio breve datato 2007 sulla crisi della scuola nel XXI secolo. Le storie raccontate dagli insegnanti anticipano la deriva che nel 2019 è visibile agli occhi di tutti, dove il ruolo autorevole della scuola non è più in sintonia con la società in cui ognuno si erige ad insegnante di se stesso. Situazioni, persone e luoghi difficili indagati ed esposti per quello che sono con le difficoltà d'inserimento delle persone nella vita attiva oramai pervasiva verso una generale descolarizzazione e analfabetismo di ritorno, con la tecnologia che incalza e sostituisce il sapere in una funzione sostitutiva del potere delle classi dominanti. La passione presente nelle narrazioni è un punto saldo della professione e pure del sistema di regole su cui vige la scuola perché a quanto pare insostituibile di ruolo. Lettura nobile.
lunedì 6 maggio 2019
Everything you love will burn - Vegas Tenold
From the subtitle "Inside the rebirth of white nationalism in America" its an investigation in the far right of the United States. Not impressive, with boots on the field it provides a story of violence and rage in a late tentative of white identification in a multiracial America. The National Front doesn't become a prime political phenomenon notwithstanding Donald Trump became President. The analogies with Europe and the various national movements there is, but as from my privileged point of view of Italy, it can't change the big problem of poverty like seems to be in the narratives of these parties. The race and religion appear central however the modern societies are multilayered complicated and continue to be guided by the globalized economy that doesn't care about previous things or other big problems such as Climate Change or democracy but turn around to profit only. The people described in this text were more aware of their ideologies and their perspective, but the line of reasoning is blocked in front of the new problems that we are facing as whole society.
sabato 2 marzo 2019
The Greenest Nation? Frank Uekotter
The history of German environmentalism is an open-ended one. The intricacies of culture, politics and civic activism of Germany are the base and part of a vast narrative of today Chronicle of EU guide role in environmental legislation. Technical professions emerging as early as 20th-century start with the sanitizations of the cities as well as the formation of conservation and protection leagues; Yeah the politics, administration & local civism play an equivalent important revolutionary movement that contributed to gain parks, pure air, recycling, green energy, and good public transport sector indeed as well as finest enterprises. At the eve of European Parlament election of 2019 where the German Green Party could gain many seats, this book of 2014 reminds us of the criticalities that remain unsolved and especially the causes of Climate Change emerged already in 1986 in Germany but not yet decoupled between growth and emissions. The circular economy isn't accomplished and the use of plastic similar to the intensive agriculture prove that local action isn't sufficient anymore. The contradictions are evident in this narrative. The Paris agreement COP 21 is only the tip of Iceberg of the problematics that stay behind our door and that the young generation must be facing in the next decades. Social injustice amplified is the result. The book ends just like a question mark.
martedì 12 febbraio 2019
Antitrust Law in the New Economy - Mark R. Patterson
A new conceptual book on the Antitrust Law in the New Economy.
The aspects treated here are various: competition, the economics of information, market power, agreements, exclusion by information, information asymmetries, intellectual property, restraint of trade and freedom speech. History cases are presented in a view that sees a long delay in Antitrust enforcement to the digital economy. A complex test full of references is still the more modern treaty in a field that seems in possession of few firms like Google, Amazon & others, but also for finance in the determination of benchmarks as Libor. The author suggests an extension of antitrust law to the new media and particularly to the new oligopoly in search of the original form of free competition. The exclusionary lines in presumptions in giving voice to the protection of intellectual property, to the first amendment, now are facing this new era and the hope is for allowing the just composition of interests in one more incisive enforcement of antitrust law to get a new competitive market for the new economy guaranteeing for every citizen rights.
lunedì 4 febbraio 2019
The Incomplete Currency - Marcello Minenna
The Incomplete Currency is a treaty about Euro at the date of 2016. From the building blocks to the architecture and then to the current crisis. The risk of break up of the single currency peaked in the last years and now show a rising imbalance. Dysfunctional mechanisms, the relationship between banks and governments, the role & safeguard mechanism of ECB together with the limits of single fiscal policy highlights the inadequacy of the democratic process in Europe. The ECB an unelected organism continue to increase inequalities in Europe. The Minenna proposals of public debt sharing & monetarization of ECB and EU is toward a single political union, but the problems are visible in the Target 2 system and the continuing surplus of German-trade balance, no credit to real economy; the facts from the crisis are linear in subsequent explosion of the public debt and poverty, and now it's discharging its effects in favor the rise of populism in Europe. The numbers for Italy are dramatic, the public debt continues to rise, the industrial production in 2018 was below that of 2008 and the same for unemployment. The aspect of Italexit stems from the pure numbers of emissions of public debt without Euro Bonds and seems to be a linear conclusion after the crash of the internal consumption and GDP that led to unfair competition from core countries and deterioration of Italian bank system with investments & capitals more and more concentrated in core countries of the Euro. An economy based on export combined with low wages, continue to beat hard in Italy and also with the aid of many other studies in references I see no real solution.
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